Drafts by Heidi Crawford-Yellen
Nas Project: The Ark of the Covenant Signs within the Heavens
This is an UPDATED document Dec 1, 2024 Factual sound extraction from earthen vessels now proved... more This is an UPDATED document Dec 1, 2024 Factual sound extraction from earthen vessels now proved! Who wants to hear what happened at the Exodus when Moshe Rabbeinu brought down the crown-tribal scepter-throne of the Divine Majesty? Flax-linen vs. wool testing is presented within this document to confirm the Messiah wears 100% flax linen.
Solar eclipse, Lunar Eclipse and now spectacular Northern lights worldwide. Red Heifers. War. Chaos. Revenge. Nuclear threat. Crisis of nations. Hostages. Senseless loss of innocent lives. The curse of Meroz due to inaction of those who SHOULD have taken action and did not. Individuals with a deadly mindset will carry out their wicked agenda because of hidden in plain sight idolatry. The facts of a goat-idol placed long ago yet preserved is THE VIOLATION. Parah Adumah is NOT conveyed in versions as the witnesses of 3 separate Torah manuscripts clearly teach. The Red heifer myth is directly out of Egyptian-Greco-Roman traditions of Taurobolium and the cult of Isis adoration. Teshuvah! Get idolatrous acts out of worship or face consequences of not worshipping correctly! In Noah's day people mocked his preaching of righteousness! The appointed Heaven-sent messenger for ALL faiths has in hand the sign and remedy for removing the idolatry. The long lost Shamir Rock of the Wilderness Sanctuary is now revealed. Read on! Inviting the Sadaqa/tzedaka pledges for the 30% Essene priesthood, the festivals travel and the foreigner orphan and widows funds
Hidden Idolatry Exposed by the Anointed Moshiach Mahdi (PBUH)
Revisiting the Authentic Torah’s Ark of the Covenant Guarded by the Davidic Anointed Moshiach Mah... more Revisiting the Authentic Torah’s Ark of the Covenant Guarded by the Davidic Anointed Moshiach Mahdiﷺ War is unfolding and many are oblivious regarding why. Ignoring the signs sent down of Heaven has the warning of a Heaven-sent SMITE. The curse of Meroz is warned for those that are careless in the matter of ignoring the invitations of Heaven for the foretold individual, the anointed Royal House of David, the King Mahdi (PBUH)... the timeline of the Moshiach coming forth is when Russia invades Ukraine. The prophecy of the Royal House of David to bring forth the relics of the Exodus has been ignored since its announcement in 2008-2009. Perhaps this generation would finally listen? Everyone has been ignorant of what the authentic Heavenly Ark of the Covenant, the authentic Quran, the authentic Torah/Penteteuch actually is because of corrupt ecclesiastical obfuscation through idolatrous art instead of understanding the hidden in plain sight truth! Removing the illusion of knowledge must be understood! The expose' of the Baphomet idolatry embedded within the Dome of the Rock as well as the Black Cube of Saturn idolatry requires the Vessel of Purification ceremony of Cleansing of the Infected House (Vayikra Leviticus 14) ONLY after the Tithes/Tzedaka are received by the Cohen Gadol, the Mashiach Mahdi of the Royal House of David.
Hidden idolatry Results in Smite
Revisiting the Authentic Torah’s Ark of the Covenant Guarded by the Davidic Anointed Moshiach Mah... more Revisiting the Authentic Torah’s Ark of the Covenant Guarded by the Davidic Anointed Moshiach Mahdiﷺ War is unfolding and many are oblivious regarding why. Ignoring the signs sent down of Heaven has the warning of a Heaven-sent SMITE. The curse of Meroz is warned for those that are careless in the matter of ignoring the invitations of Heaven for the foretold individual, the anointed Royal House of David, the King Mahdi (PBUH)... the timeline of the Moshiach coming forth is when Russia invades Ukraine. The prophecy of the Royal House of David to bring forth the relics of the Exodus has been ignored since its announcement in 2008-2009. Perhaps this generation would finally listen? Everyone has been ignorant of what the authentic Heavenly Ark of the Covenant, the authentic Quran, the authentic Torah/Penteteuch actually is because of corrupt ecclesiastical obfuscation through idolatrous art instead of understanding the hidden in plain sight truth! Removing the illusion of knowledge must be understood! The expose' of the Baphomet idolatry embedded within the Dome of the Rock as well as the Black Cube of Saturn idolatry requires the Vessel of Purification ceremony of Cleansing of the Infected House (Vayikra Leviticus 14) ONLY after the Tithes/Tzedaka are received by the Cohen Gadol, the Mashiach Mahdi of the Royal House of David.
The SIGN طواف /טופפה Circles of the Mahdi ﷺ
Revisiting the Torah and Quran instructions reveals major clues missed!
Tablet of Ahmad Stone of Baked Clay and the Ark of the Covenant
Is the Tablet of Ahmad fortold to be a healing instrument sent of the Almighty Creator to mankind... more Is the Tablet of Ahmad fortold to be a healing instrument sent of the Almighty Creator to mankind? Overlooked clues are everywhere when one searches! Historians tell us that the strict vegetarian Essenes were descendants of those that had the authentic Ark of the Covenant. This document will present the reader the documentation of the authentic Tablet of Ahmad as the Crown of Moses, the Tribal Scepter of the Tribes, the Throne of the Divine Majesty, the Long Lost Ark of the Covenant is guarded by the Essenes of the Royal House of David. The fact is that the Covenant is ALWAYS to be guarded by the descendants of King David by the decree of our Almighty Creator. The strict vegetarian Ismaili King that was at Mecca 1100 years ago was given the honor to confront the idolatrous Abbassids and remove the authentic Black Stone, the stone of baked clay, the Ahmad AlQaramta OUT of Mecca to flee to Europe where the Ismailis document the matter. It was NEVER returned. It is now revealed as the SIGN of the anointed Mashiach King Mahdi (PBUH) out of the book of the prophet Daniel. The Vilna of Gaon wrote specific timeline of the revealing of this matter when Russia invades Ukraine... all religious adherents missing these clues will be subject to the wrath of violating the Creator's instructions.
Cannabis Scriptural Proofs
This presentation will provide facts for the readers exploring what is widely being promoted of t... more This presentation will provide facts for the readers exploring what is widely being promoted of the topic of Cannabis in the Sacred Text of Torah. Little noticed commentary by the ancient Judaic sages confirms the matter.
Biblical Ramadan, Passover and Ark of the Covenant
The dire warning for not listening to the prophet Elijah has a curse of a plague upon the world t... more The dire warning for not listening to the prophet Elijah has a curse of a plague upon the world that matches the Covid19 lockdowns. Correcting the matter requires a return to the Biblical Ramadan that has delightful clues that have been missed by everyone until this research that ties in the authentic Ark of the Covenant and as well the anointed individual that brings forth the authentic relic so long sought! The season of Passover where the removal of Chametz is NOT what traditions are now teaching is explained. The season of Ramadan starts with the Passover and week of the Festival of Unleavened Bread and the count to the 50 days Festival of weeks called Shavaout. The fast of Moses and the fast of the Messiah are mysteries now solved.
The Miracle Sign of the Way - None of These Diseases
With the international pandemic, it must be asked if the Creator GOD has laws that are violated b... more With the international pandemic, it must be asked if the Creator GOD has laws that are violated bringing judgements upon the world. A series of visions were given with the emphasis given asking Who are the Sadducees, the Pharisees and then the question of Who are the Essenes? The lost history of the order of the Essenes, a special Levitical priesthood order that was instituted by the prophet Moshe of the Exodus. The Essenes were and remain a vegan movement with the unique guardianship of the Ephod of the Divine Pavilion.
The Mission Exposing the Mark of the Beast
The Medical Inquisition of the ancient times and now in this generation requires an awareness of ... more The Medical Inquisition of the ancient times and now in this generation requires an awareness of the warnings of the prophet Ezekiel regarding the Gog and Magog. An ancient idolatry that was warned about in the Great Commission has been blindly embraced within this generation. The Health Passports strikingly similar of Nazi Germany are now widely being used. Is this generation doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?
The rise of the Islamist Taliban, ISIS-K, Al-Qaeda are an ominous evidence of a failure to convey... more The rise of the Islamist Taliban, ISIS-K, Al-Qaeda are an ominous evidence of a failure to convey the true witness of every prophet (PBUH). This document presents evidence about music as well as the expose of wicked sounds. The sign of the authentic messenger will shake up many from their comfortable opinions.
The Authentic Ark of the Covenant: Exodus 25 Revealed
The heavily censored Masoretic text of Torah does not describe the Ark of the Covenant. Looking ... more The heavily censored Masoretic text of Torah does not describe the Ark of the Covenant. Looking at the Shomron text of Torah does indeed give clues that match antiquity evidence of a very different Ark of the Covenant.
Final Ark of the Covenant The Rock that Cries Out
Have we not all one patriarch Father? Why are the descendants of patriarch Abraham slaying other... more Have we not all one patriarch Father? Why are the descendants of patriarch Abraham slaying others? What if the popular terms of jihad are ALL MISUNDERSTOOD? The original documents prove that veganism was the teaching of ALL OF THE PROPHETS. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot unlearn the many lies they’ve been taught to believe. The Khurasan Banner is not of Afghanistan, the Sharia law is not what contemporary religious zealots are preaching. This is the second part of the Ark of the Covenant series.
The Revealed Treatise of the Authentic Ark of the Covenant
When 100% of the proper definitions are utilized for the text, the message does exhaustively with... more When 100% of the proper definitions are utilized for the text, the message does exhaustively within a treatise format, identify the authentic Bronze Age relic of Moses and Aaron of the Exodus. There was a crime committed against the peoples of faith where the Bible Versions were made by the imprimatur of Rome. The foretold "forgetting" of the Ark of the Covenant is because Rome has subsituted the false into the mind with their idolatrous art.
The Covenant Meals of the Shabbaths along with illustrating the Vegan Pesach and Festival of Unleavened Bread
Are you worshipping correctly with the proper meal ceremony? Has Pesach always been VEGAN? Find ... more Are you worshipping correctly with the proper meal ceremony? Has Pesach always been VEGAN? Find out what the ancient sages said! Have you removed Chametz out of your dwelling? This investigation covers the weekly Shabbath Covenant meal as well as for the High Festivals. The illustration of the ancient covenant meal, the mysterious shoelatchet of Patriarch Abraham and the long lost Peter 'rock' that is to heal and establish the world can aid this generation to become friends with those that are enemies. Guaranteed.
The Prophet's Sandal 1-7
I had written this earlier in 2011 yet in looking over this manuscript, I realize that it has man... more I had written this earlier in 2011 yet in looking over this manuscript, I realize that it has many excellent items of evidence useful for any seeker of present truth. This document is written with expressions for an interfaith reader.
Chanukkah Miracles for This Generation Revisiting the Song of Moses and Donald Trump Miracle PART II
Miracles repeat in 2020 The expectation that Eliyahu HaNavi would return is in every rehearsal ... more Miracles repeat in 2020 The expectation that Eliyahu HaNavi would return is in every rehearsal of Pesach as well as every Covenant ceremony. The actual return of the revered individual with the 7 Miracle signs is a unique story and its 33 year anniversary at Hanukkah season is very special. The 17-year post-doctoral research confirms that the relics of the Exodus are with the Royal House of David. Will this generation welcome the royal messenger of the Covenant with the title as a vegan to restore worship to the Creator as Torah requires? The segments will expose the Roman idolatry customs of creeping compromise as well as the abominable image of Baphomet at the ancient Temple Mount location. The Prophet Ezekiel warns of its specific design! Warning: This is NOT a matter of just removing the images as the darkest powers of the entire world are presiding in that dual abominable image of idolatry! It requires explicit obedience to the ancient Laws of the Infected House using the Sacred Vessel for purification!
The coming of the King Mahdi ﷺ solving the mysteries of the Ark of the Covenant
The foretold Mahdi (PBUH) has the sign of lights around him as documented within this presentatio... more The foretold Mahdi (PBUH) has the sign of lights around him as documented within this presentation. The mysteries of the Ark of the Covenant includes the miracles of Heaven towards President Donald Trump in 2016 and again as events unfold in our world. The prophecies of the King Mahdi include healing which is most necessary as the world is reeling from the effects of a bioterrorism from China's Wuhan Lab. This presentation is a response to the lecture of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi through the youtube station Free Quran Education where he gives an illustrated lecture. This document highlights his topic and expands it with factual evidences for the authentic King Mahdi and the Ark of the Covenant. This also introduces the San Graal mystery and its connection to the Shroud of Turin. The miracles are shared within!
The Plagues: Revisiting Ramadan and Pesach Laws of Purification
by Heidi Crawford-Yellen and Ben-Hayil Yellen
The warning of a Heaven-sent Smite of the Dreadful Day of the LORD has a consequence warning of i... more The warning of a Heaven-sent Smite of the Dreadful Day of the LORD has a consequence warning of ignoring Eliyahu (Elijah) the Prophet which has resulted in plagues worldwide. The Heaven-sent comfort for the solutions for halting this pandemic is part of this study.
This is our witness of what occurred by the heir of the Davidic Kingdom dressed as the Cohen Gado... more This is our witness of what occurred by the heir of the Davidic Kingdom dressed as the Cohen Gadol and bringing forth the Ark of the Covenant to invoke the Creator GOD to remember the Covenant power of the Song of Moses to put a righteous man into the Presidential office and defeat the unrighteous. The warning of how the unrighteous that have cursed GOD in their hearts, minds and souls and that intend to destroy specific parts of the United States of America is where the righteous can get out of harm's way in time and be spared.
Tikkun Olam: The Anointed Davidic King Confirming the Bible Codes
The world is expecting an anointed messenger to come yet most ignore the signs that would be in h... more The world is expecting an anointed messenger to come yet most ignore the signs that would be in his hands as well as the Davidic bloodline. The treasures of the Royal House of David have had extensive scientific scrutiny with those of world renown credentials. Yet there are those that would suppress this message. The sign of the coming anointed individual according to the prophet Zechariah is an individual with the title and name Vegan. Read on!
Nas Project: The Ark of the Covenant Signs within the Heavens
This is an UPDATED document Dec 1, 2024 Factual sound extraction from earthen vessels now proved... more This is an UPDATED document Dec 1, 2024 Factual sound extraction from earthen vessels now proved! Who wants to hear what happened at the Exodus when Moshe Rabbeinu brought down the crown-tribal scepter-throne of the Divine Majesty? Flax-linen vs. wool testing is presented within this document to confirm the Messiah wears 100% flax linen.
Solar eclipse, Lunar Eclipse and now spectacular Northern lights worldwide. Red Heifers. War. Chaos. Revenge. Nuclear threat. Crisis of nations. Hostages. Senseless loss of innocent lives. The curse of Meroz due to inaction of those who SHOULD have taken action and did not. Individuals with a deadly mindset will carry out their wicked agenda because of hidden in plain sight idolatry. The facts of a goat-idol placed long ago yet preserved is THE VIOLATION. Parah Adumah is NOT conveyed in versions as the witnesses of 3 separate Torah manuscripts clearly teach. The Red heifer myth is directly out of Egyptian-Greco-Roman traditions of Taurobolium and the cult of Isis adoration. Teshuvah! Get idolatrous acts out of worship or face consequences of not worshipping correctly! In Noah's day people mocked his preaching of righteousness! The appointed Heaven-sent messenger for ALL faiths has in hand the sign and remedy for removing the idolatry. The long lost Shamir Rock of the Wilderness Sanctuary is now revealed. Read on! Inviting the Sadaqa/tzedaka pledges for the 30% Essene priesthood, the festivals travel and the foreigner orphan and widows funds
Hidden Idolatry Exposed by the Anointed Moshiach Mahdi (PBUH)
Revisiting the Authentic Torah’s Ark of the Covenant Guarded by the Davidic Anointed Moshiach Mah... more Revisiting the Authentic Torah’s Ark of the Covenant Guarded by the Davidic Anointed Moshiach Mahdiﷺ War is unfolding and many are oblivious regarding why. Ignoring the signs sent down of Heaven has the warning of a Heaven-sent SMITE. The curse of Meroz is warned for those that are careless in the matter of ignoring the invitations of Heaven for the foretold individual, the anointed Royal House of David, the King Mahdi (PBUH)... the timeline of the Moshiach coming forth is when Russia invades Ukraine. The prophecy of the Royal House of David to bring forth the relics of the Exodus has been ignored since its announcement in 2008-2009. Perhaps this generation would finally listen? Everyone has been ignorant of what the authentic Heavenly Ark of the Covenant, the authentic Quran, the authentic Torah/Penteteuch actually is because of corrupt ecclesiastical obfuscation through idolatrous art instead of understanding the hidden in plain sight truth! Removing the illusion of knowledge must be understood! The expose' of the Baphomet idolatry embedded within the Dome of the Rock as well as the Black Cube of Saturn idolatry requires the Vessel of Purification ceremony of Cleansing of the Infected House (Vayikra Leviticus 14) ONLY after the Tithes/Tzedaka are received by the Cohen Gadol, the Mashiach Mahdi of the Royal House of David.
Hidden idolatry Results in Smite
Revisiting the Authentic Torah’s Ark of the Covenant Guarded by the Davidic Anointed Moshiach Mah... more Revisiting the Authentic Torah’s Ark of the Covenant Guarded by the Davidic Anointed Moshiach Mahdiﷺ War is unfolding and many are oblivious regarding why. Ignoring the signs sent down of Heaven has the warning of a Heaven-sent SMITE. The curse of Meroz is warned for those that are careless in the matter of ignoring the invitations of Heaven for the foretold individual, the anointed Royal House of David, the King Mahdi (PBUH)... the timeline of the Moshiach coming forth is when Russia invades Ukraine. The prophecy of the Royal House of David to bring forth the relics of the Exodus has been ignored since its announcement in 2008-2009. Perhaps this generation would finally listen? Everyone has been ignorant of what the authentic Heavenly Ark of the Covenant, the authentic Quran, the authentic Torah/Penteteuch actually is because of corrupt ecclesiastical obfuscation through idolatrous art instead of understanding the hidden in plain sight truth! Removing the illusion of knowledge must be understood! The expose' of the Baphomet idolatry embedded within the Dome of the Rock as well as the Black Cube of Saturn idolatry requires the Vessel of Purification ceremony of Cleansing of the Infected House (Vayikra Leviticus 14) ONLY after the Tithes/Tzedaka are received by the Cohen Gadol, the Mashiach Mahdi of the Royal House of David.
The SIGN طواف /טופפה Circles of the Mahdi ﷺ
Revisiting the Torah and Quran instructions reveals major clues missed!
Tablet of Ahmad Stone of Baked Clay and the Ark of the Covenant
Is the Tablet of Ahmad fortold to be a healing instrument sent of the Almighty Creator to mankind... more Is the Tablet of Ahmad fortold to be a healing instrument sent of the Almighty Creator to mankind? Overlooked clues are everywhere when one searches! Historians tell us that the strict vegetarian Essenes were descendants of those that had the authentic Ark of the Covenant. This document will present the reader the documentation of the authentic Tablet of Ahmad as the Crown of Moses, the Tribal Scepter of the Tribes, the Throne of the Divine Majesty, the Long Lost Ark of the Covenant is guarded by the Essenes of the Royal House of David. The fact is that the Covenant is ALWAYS to be guarded by the descendants of King David by the decree of our Almighty Creator. The strict vegetarian Ismaili King that was at Mecca 1100 years ago was given the honor to confront the idolatrous Abbassids and remove the authentic Black Stone, the stone of baked clay, the Ahmad AlQaramta OUT of Mecca to flee to Europe where the Ismailis document the matter. It was NEVER returned. It is now revealed as the SIGN of the anointed Mashiach King Mahdi (PBUH) out of the book of the prophet Daniel. The Vilna of Gaon wrote specific timeline of the revealing of this matter when Russia invades Ukraine... all religious adherents missing these clues will be subject to the wrath of violating the Creator's instructions.
Cannabis Scriptural Proofs
This presentation will provide facts for the readers exploring what is widely being promoted of t... more This presentation will provide facts for the readers exploring what is widely being promoted of the topic of Cannabis in the Sacred Text of Torah. Little noticed commentary by the ancient Judaic sages confirms the matter.
Biblical Ramadan, Passover and Ark of the Covenant
The dire warning for not listening to the prophet Elijah has a curse of a plague upon the world t... more The dire warning for not listening to the prophet Elijah has a curse of a plague upon the world that matches the Covid19 lockdowns. Correcting the matter requires a return to the Biblical Ramadan that has delightful clues that have been missed by everyone until this research that ties in the authentic Ark of the Covenant and as well the anointed individual that brings forth the authentic relic so long sought! The season of Passover where the removal of Chametz is NOT what traditions are now teaching is explained. The season of Ramadan starts with the Passover and week of the Festival of Unleavened Bread and the count to the 50 days Festival of weeks called Shavaout. The fast of Moses and the fast of the Messiah are mysteries now solved.
The Miracle Sign of the Way - None of These Diseases
With the international pandemic, it must be asked if the Creator GOD has laws that are violated b... more With the international pandemic, it must be asked if the Creator GOD has laws that are violated bringing judgements upon the world. A series of visions were given with the emphasis given asking Who are the Sadducees, the Pharisees and then the question of Who are the Essenes? The lost history of the order of the Essenes, a special Levitical priesthood order that was instituted by the prophet Moshe of the Exodus. The Essenes were and remain a vegan movement with the unique guardianship of the Ephod of the Divine Pavilion.
The Mission Exposing the Mark of the Beast
The Medical Inquisition of the ancient times and now in this generation requires an awareness of ... more The Medical Inquisition of the ancient times and now in this generation requires an awareness of the warnings of the prophet Ezekiel regarding the Gog and Magog. An ancient idolatry that was warned about in the Great Commission has been blindly embraced within this generation. The Health Passports strikingly similar of Nazi Germany are now widely being used. Is this generation doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?
The rise of the Islamist Taliban, ISIS-K, Al-Qaeda are an ominous evidence of a failure to convey... more The rise of the Islamist Taliban, ISIS-K, Al-Qaeda are an ominous evidence of a failure to convey the true witness of every prophet (PBUH). This document presents evidence about music as well as the expose of wicked sounds. The sign of the authentic messenger will shake up many from their comfortable opinions.
The Authentic Ark of the Covenant: Exodus 25 Revealed
The heavily censored Masoretic text of Torah does not describe the Ark of the Covenant. Looking ... more The heavily censored Masoretic text of Torah does not describe the Ark of the Covenant. Looking at the Shomron text of Torah does indeed give clues that match antiquity evidence of a very different Ark of the Covenant.
Final Ark of the Covenant The Rock that Cries Out
Have we not all one patriarch Father? Why are the descendants of patriarch Abraham slaying other... more Have we not all one patriarch Father? Why are the descendants of patriarch Abraham slaying others? What if the popular terms of jihad are ALL MISUNDERSTOOD? The original documents prove that veganism was the teaching of ALL OF THE PROPHETS. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot unlearn the many lies they’ve been taught to believe. The Khurasan Banner is not of Afghanistan, the Sharia law is not what contemporary religious zealots are preaching. This is the second part of the Ark of the Covenant series.
The Revealed Treatise of the Authentic Ark of the Covenant
When 100% of the proper definitions are utilized for the text, the message does exhaustively with... more When 100% of the proper definitions are utilized for the text, the message does exhaustively within a treatise format, identify the authentic Bronze Age relic of Moses and Aaron of the Exodus. There was a crime committed against the peoples of faith where the Bible Versions were made by the imprimatur of Rome. The foretold "forgetting" of the Ark of the Covenant is because Rome has subsituted the false into the mind with their idolatrous art.
The Covenant Meals of the Shabbaths along with illustrating the Vegan Pesach and Festival of Unleavened Bread
Are you worshipping correctly with the proper meal ceremony? Has Pesach always been VEGAN? Find ... more Are you worshipping correctly with the proper meal ceremony? Has Pesach always been VEGAN? Find out what the ancient sages said! Have you removed Chametz out of your dwelling? This investigation covers the weekly Shabbath Covenant meal as well as for the High Festivals. The illustration of the ancient covenant meal, the mysterious shoelatchet of Patriarch Abraham and the long lost Peter 'rock' that is to heal and establish the world can aid this generation to become friends with those that are enemies. Guaranteed.
The Prophet's Sandal 1-7
I had written this earlier in 2011 yet in looking over this manuscript, I realize that it has man... more I had written this earlier in 2011 yet in looking over this manuscript, I realize that it has many excellent items of evidence useful for any seeker of present truth. This document is written with expressions for an interfaith reader.
Chanukkah Miracles for This Generation Revisiting the Song of Moses and Donald Trump Miracle PART II
Miracles repeat in 2020 The expectation that Eliyahu HaNavi would return is in every rehearsal ... more Miracles repeat in 2020 The expectation that Eliyahu HaNavi would return is in every rehearsal of Pesach as well as every Covenant ceremony. The actual return of the revered individual with the 7 Miracle signs is a unique story and its 33 year anniversary at Hanukkah season is very special. The 17-year post-doctoral research confirms that the relics of the Exodus are with the Royal House of David. Will this generation welcome the royal messenger of the Covenant with the title as a vegan to restore worship to the Creator as Torah requires? The segments will expose the Roman idolatry customs of creeping compromise as well as the abominable image of Baphomet at the ancient Temple Mount location. The Prophet Ezekiel warns of its specific design! Warning: This is NOT a matter of just removing the images as the darkest powers of the entire world are presiding in that dual abominable image of idolatry! It requires explicit obedience to the ancient Laws of the Infected House using the Sacred Vessel for purification!
The coming of the King Mahdi ﷺ solving the mysteries of the Ark of the Covenant
The foretold Mahdi (PBUH) has the sign of lights around him as documented within this presentatio... more The foretold Mahdi (PBUH) has the sign of lights around him as documented within this presentation. The mysteries of the Ark of the Covenant includes the miracles of Heaven towards President Donald Trump in 2016 and again as events unfold in our world. The prophecies of the King Mahdi include healing which is most necessary as the world is reeling from the effects of a bioterrorism from China's Wuhan Lab. This presentation is a response to the lecture of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi through the youtube station Free Quran Education where he gives an illustrated lecture. This document highlights his topic and expands it with factual evidences for the authentic King Mahdi and the Ark of the Covenant. This also introduces the San Graal mystery and its connection to the Shroud of Turin. The miracles are shared within!
The Plagues: Revisiting Ramadan and Pesach Laws of Purification
by Heidi Crawford-Yellen and Ben-Hayil Yellen
The warning of a Heaven-sent Smite of the Dreadful Day of the LORD has a consequence warning of i... more The warning of a Heaven-sent Smite of the Dreadful Day of the LORD has a consequence warning of ignoring Eliyahu (Elijah) the Prophet which has resulted in plagues worldwide. The Heaven-sent comfort for the solutions for halting this pandemic is part of this study.
This is our witness of what occurred by the heir of the Davidic Kingdom dressed as the Cohen Gado... more This is our witness of what occurred by the heir of the Davidic Kingdom dressed as the Cohen Gadol and bringing forth the Ark of the Covenant to invoke the Creator GOD to remember the Covenant power of the Song of Moses to put a righteous man into the Presidential office and defeat the unrighteous. The warning of how the unrighteous that have cursed GOD in their hearts, minds and souls and that intend to destroy specific parts of the United States of America is where the righteous can get out of harm's way in time and be spared.
Tikkun Olam: The Anointed Davidic King Confirming the Bible Codes
The world is expecting an anointed messenger to come yet most ignore the signs that would be in h... more The world is expecting an anointed messenger to come yet most ignore the signs that would be in his hands as well as the Davidic bloodline. The treasures of the Royal House of David have had extensive scientific scrutiny with those of world renown credentials. Yet there are those that would suppress this message. The sign of the coming anointed individual according to the prophet Zechariah is an individual with the title and name Vegan. Read on!
Royal Mandate to Peace NEW4
This is a work of research and studies concerning the Ark of the Covenant research that was lost ... more This is a work of research and studies concerning the Ark of the Covenant research that was lost and now found in digital archives to release again. The topic of the authentic Holy Grail/SanGraal and the exhaustive details of proofs are enclosed.